Category Archives: Tips and Advice

How Buying a Condo is Different from Buying a House

Buying a condo is different than buying a house in many aspects. The process of getting a mortgage is different; there is also home owner’s association to consider and other rules and regulations.

One of the important things to remember is that condos are individually owned and owners do not hold title to the land.  Also, due to the fact that most of the losses came from condo defaults after the economic crisis, they are viewed as more risky than other types of real estate. Thus, the process of getting a mortgage for condominium is more strict than for a house. The loan costs such as interest rates might be higher and also the loan requirements vary depending on the loan type. Also, for certain loan types such as FHA, the building must be approved as well. So if the building is not on the FHA list of approved buildings, it might not be approved.

Condo buildings have certain restrictions as to the use of amenities, etc. so before committing to buying a condo, make sure you know if pets are allowed, use of common spaces. Also, another thing to check is whether they allow it to be rented out in the future if you would like to. In addition, you will want to know what are the fees and what those fees cover as far as insurance and upkeep. You will also want to know if you are responsible for any repairs.

Despite the buying process that might be a bit more complicated that other types of real estate, there are many advantages of owning a condo, you just need to remember to do your due diligence before buying!


Flickr Creative Commons: Payton Chung (CC BY 2.0)
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Things You Need to Know Before Buying an Exotic Pet

Hedgehogs are becoming more and more popular as pets, but there are some things to consider before you decide to have it as a pet. One of the obvious reasons is that when they feel threatened the curl into a prickly ball; also, if you prefer quiet nights, they might not be a pet for you, they are nocturnal, so they sleep through the day and are very active at night. In addition, they make various squealing and sniffing noises. Another important fact to keep in mind is that they carry diseases that are contagious to people, so make sure to wash your hands and keep their cages clean.


Flickr Creative Commons: Hands Optek

Sugar Gliders got their name because they like to eat anything sweet and they also have gliding membrane. They make good pets and are not very difficult to keep, but like any other pet they require attention and care. There are couple things to know about them, they cannot be potty trained, but their habits are very predictable and they are very clean animals and do not require bathing. Also, they are nocturnal animals as well and will be up at night. They are pretty clever little animals and bond with their owners as much as dogs and cats do, it does take time for them to get used to though.


Flickr Creative Commons: Ryan Lee

Ferrets are also very intelligent. They also are very social and bond with their owners, but they do require training and a lot of attention. As to the supplies, you will need a cage, a litter box, a hammock and sleep sack and, of course, a lot of toys. They usually need two types of bed because they are very prone to heatstroke and having bed options lets them regulate their body heat. They are very playful and will need to have about two hours out of cage time.


Flickr Creative Commons: Scott Oves

Chinchillas, unlike other mentioned animals, are very low maintenance and don’t have a very distinct smell. They are relatively easy to train and develop strong habits, so you can train them to play at a specific time etc. For the most part, they are cute little animals that make great pets, but they are not for everyone. Children should be cautious with them because they will bit if squeezed too tight. They should not be let running around or they will chew everything. Also, if they are not trained and used to you early in their age, they might be skittish and aggressive.


Flickr Creative Commons: Jennifer McGinn

As you can tell, they are cute pets to have, but before committing to either one of them, make sure that an animal fits your lifestyle and you have time and energy to take care of them!


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Spring Cleaning Projects

After a long winter and piles of snow, spring brings warm days and sunshine. It is a perfect time to start home projects and spring cleaning.

Before you do anything else, check the windows, screens, and doors for any damage.
Then you can start cleaning the yard; if you haven’t raked leaves in the fall, now would be a good time. After you remove all the debris, you can trim tree branches and start planting new trees if you’d like to change or add to your landscaping.
Next step would be roof and gutter cleaning. Make sure to examine roof for any damage, see if shingles are missing and remove all the debris. Winter winds blow leaves and pine needles into gutters which can cause rainwater overflow. Remove all the debris and use a hose to clear the remainder dirt.
Leaves and other debris and grime collects on the decks, to clean that you can use a pressure wash. It is also important to reseal the wood, it will not only make it look more fresh, but also protects wood and helps it last longer.
Cleaning rugs and carpets might be the first thing you would want to do. You can either rent a carpet cleaning vacuum/machine or hire a professional company. Also clean windows inside and out; it is better to do it on a cloudy day, since cleaning solutions might dry too quickly.
Depending on your budget, repainting might be another way to freshen up your home. Updating your kitchen and bathrooms such as new lights, new hardware, it will not only make it look better, but also will add value to your home.


Flickr Creative Commons: Nathan Siemers (CC BY -SA 2.0)
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How to do Showings with Pets

Most people love pets, but they might still be scared if those pets are not their own. When it comes to selling a home and showings, buyers and their agents need to feel welcome to look at the property without danger or distractions. So even if we love our pets and think they are no danger to others, they might still bark and growl. And we are not talking just  about dogs, same goes for cats, birds, and reptiles. Here are some ideas on what to do when selling a home and preparing for showings. 

First and foremost, it is always a good idea to talk to your pet’s vet and discuss your plans; moving is not only stressful for the home owners, but for pets as well, especially for older pets.  

It might not be what you would like to do, but the best way is to remove them from the house. If it is not possible, the next best thing is to find someone who will take them for a period of time and who help take care of them. And if this is not a possibility also, then put them in a contained space and let a buyer and their agent know about it ahead of time or buyer a pet friendly cage to keep them in and make sure to let them know where in the house the cage will be. Also, it might be a good idea if the agent can acquaint themselves with the pet prior to showings to make it less stressful for everyone, including pets.

Also, prior to showings, make sure to repair any pet damages and remove pet odors and stains. Most of the time smells play a huge role when doing showing, buyer’s might be turned off by the smell and start thinking about the cost to replace carpets etc. and it might be the reason they pass on a home. So, make sure you are well prepared!


Flickr Creative Commons: Jaimy Lantzy (CC BY 2.0)
All photos used under this license.

Tips for a Successful Property Rehab

Rehabbing a house is not an easy task. It is very difficult to avoid making mistakes, especially if doing it first time. Here are some tips that can help avoid turning a rehab into a disaster.

Get a home inspection. You might not want to spend extra money on home inspection and would prefer to conduct an inspection on your own, but there is a chance you might miss some hidden damages. They are easy to overlook as they might be covered by decor items or clutter, and, in the end, it will end up costing more than hiring a professional home inspector. Not only it will help you avoid trouble later on, but also will give you a good idea on how to spread your budget.

Make sure to get all the needed permits. Permits are needed not only for general projects, but also for plumbing, electricity, and roofing. In many cases this is what causes a lot of trouble. So make sure to go to the local county and get all the necessary permits to start remodeling.

Picking cheap materials, finishes. With unexpected expenses in the process or a tight budget, many choose to save on materials and finishes. Some choose to save on countertops and hardware or even thinner walls, but all it will do is make the property look very cheap or it will need repairs soon, thus it will be difficult to sell.

Trying to save money and doing it yourself. Some might be tempted to save money and try do to some projects themselves. It might not be a good idea if you are not a professional. It’s better to pay someone experienced to complete the project correct the first time, than spending money and time redoing it.

Decor items. Keep in mind that it is important to appeal to the average home buyer. You will want to pick neutral colors, such as beige or off whites. Also, make sure you use the paint that will withstand humidity in the bathrooms and utility room,s and will also be easy to clean. Remember, first impression is key, so make sure the house is clean, warm and cozy!


Flickr Creative Commons: Sitka Projects
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Staging Your Home on a Budget

You probably hear about how it is important to stage our home all the time. It probably goes without saying that before listing a home it needs to be clean and clutter free, and it might be enough to sell your home, but many real estate agents believe that taking an extra step can make a huge difference. According to National Association of Realtors, 81% of agents said that staging your home helps buyers to visualize lit as their future home and 46% said that buyers want to see the property in person after they saw it online. Here are some budget staging tips that will make your house stand out and, possibly, sell faster.

Move furniture. Moving furniture will help not only make the living room look more spacious, but also won’t take away from the focal points such as fireplaces.

Carpet dents. If you move the furniture around, make sure to get rid of old furniture dents. An easy way to do it is to put an ice cube in the dent and let it melt. If you have extra money to spend, you might want to replace all the carpets.

Paint. Adding some fresh paint changes the whole house feel. Pick more neutral colors as it gives a more spacious and clean look, and also makes it less personal. You can use accent pillows, throw blankets or plants to add a pop of color.

Accent features. Use decor items to make it feel cozy, draw attention and that will also help to separate spaces. You can add coffee table trays with candles, table runners, and fresh flowers.

Replace light fixtures and cabinet hardware. It is not very expensive and it makes a big difference. Also, replacing bulb to more bright ones will make the house look more cozy and welcoming. Again, if you have extra time, you may paint or staging your kitchen cabinets.

Curb appeal. And last, but very important is to refresh your landscape by cleaning out old flowers and leaves, and planting new flowers.


Flickr Creative Commons: Real Estaging (CC BY 2.0)
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Foods your Dog should Never Eat


Flickr Creative Commons: localpups (CC BY 2.0)

Since fruits and vegetables are healthy for humans, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is the case for our pets. They might have from mild to very severe reactions to some of the vegetables and fruits.

Grapes/Raisins are known to be toxic to dogs. They contain canine which can cause kidney failure. If your dog had more than a couple grapes, it can be saved if you take them to a veterinarian right away! You can also try giving your dog an activated charcoal if you have any.

Onions and Garlic. According to Banfield pet hospital onions and garlic belong to the Allium plant species and if your pet eats one of the plants from those species, they will end up with anemia, which, in turn, may damage organs and lead to organ failure.

Cherries. Some say cherries are good for dogs as long as they don’t ingest leaves or seeds since they contain cyanogenic glucosides, which can cause difficulty breathing and shock.

Apple cores. As with cherries, apples contain cyanogenic glucosides as well, so just make sure to  kepp them away and not feed them seeds or stems.

Raw potatoes. Opinions are split on this one, some say it’s dangerous if dogs eat raw potatoes, some say it’s fine. It might be dangerous if it is sprouting and has green coloration; either way it’s better to keep them away just in case.








Real Estate Trends for This Year

The year of 2015 might have been the best one for real estate since 2007, and it is believed that 2016 will be even better. According to NY times, in 2014, there were over 200, 000 jobs gained. It is projected that the employment will continue to rise in 2016, and that will allow more people to buy a home. Here are the trends that might have the biggest impact on real estate.

  1. Growth in home sales and prices. Home sales increased in 2015 and they will continue to increase in 2016, but it will happen at a more gradual rate.
  2. More Millennials will be buying. There are 80 million Millennials in the US and last year they represented about 2 million sales and this pattern will continue in 2016. Another reason they will be buying more is that rent prices will rise even higher this year.
  3. New constructions will be cheaper. New-home builders would like to build more affordable houses to cater more to the first time homebuyers.
  4. Mortgage rates might be higher. In 2015, mortgage rates were going up and then down again; it will continue to fluctuate, but by the end of 2016 the rates are likely to go higher.
  5. Rent will be even more expensive. Rent has been high for the past year and this year it isn’t going down any time soon. In fact, rent will continue to rise this year. Millennials are the ones who drive the demand.

These are just some of the trends for the new year; just keep in mind that it is almost impossible to predict any market, but it is important to analyze real estate statistics, adapt to the changes and to strategize.


Flickr Creative Commons: Mark Moz (CC BY 2.0)
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States with the Highest Property Taxes

One of the main responsibilities of a homeowner is to pay property taxes, and to avoid late fees or, even worse, foreclosures, property taxes have to be paid and paid on time. Property tax is used to pay for road construction and maintenance, schools and any municipal employees. According to CBS News, the average annual property tax is $2,089; and about $15 billion worth of homes are foreclosed each year due to tax delinquencies. Here are the states with highest property taxes.

Vermont median home value is $218,300, and average property tax is $2,934.
Michigan average property tax $3,168, and median home value is $117,500.
Nebraska tax is $3,228 with a median home value of $132,700.
Connecticut residents pay $3,301 in property taxes and median home price is $267,000
Texas average home prices is $132,000 and residents pay $3,327 property tax on average.
Wisconsin has an average home price of $163,000 and the property tax is $3,398 on average.
New Hapmshire property tax is $3, 649 and average home price is $233,300.
Illinois residents pay $3,939 in taxes and the average home prices is $169,600.
The residents of New Jersey have to pay #3,971 property tax on average; average home price is $307,700. High taxes are the reason why people are moving out of the state.

In many states, there is an option to homestead a property, which provides property tax exemptions; in addition; homestead exemption provides protection from losing your home to other creditors. In some states, the relief is only partial since some of it still used for local schools. Before you decide where to buy a house, make sure you know how much you will have to pay in property taxes and check if homestead exemption is available in your state.


Flickr Creative Commons: GotCredit (CC BY 2.0)
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Winter DIY Home Improvement Projects

If you are looking to improve things around the house then why not do it during the cold months. Chances are you will be stuck inside and it might be the best time to do some home improvements, which might save you money on energy bills and increase property values. If you are up for some handy work during these cold months, here are some project ideas.

While you are inside, why stare at those boring walls all winter season. Give them some fresh life with paint. Yes, you can paint during the winter months; there is a variety of environmentally friendly and waterborne paint to choose from, and this way no windows need to be open, because there are virtually no fumes. In addition, dry air will help the paint to dry quicker. Another little touch you can add is crown molding, which will change the look and feel of the whole room. In addition to paint, wall paper is making a comeback; if the wall paper doesn’t fit your style, you could add vibrance by creating strips and patterns.


Flickr Creative Commons: United Soybean Board (CC BY 2.0)

Another great improvement that can be done in the winter is work on the kitchen. Adding backsplash can add character to any kitchen and make your counter tops stand out. If you do it yourself, be careful, mistakes can happen, such as not spending enough time to prep and lay out patterns beforehand, and that can lead to irregular lines and spaces. At times, it may be better to call a professional.


Flickr Creative Commons: Granite Charlotte Countertops (CC BY 2.0)

Next great winter home project is to refurbish interior doors. They have a big visual impact; thus, by modernizing them you will keep everything looking updated. Some budget ways to freshen the doors are to paint them, change the doorknobs, or add molding to the ones that do not have it.

Whatever you do this winter, whether it is painting, wall papering, adding backsplash, or refurbishing interior doors, it should add a new look to your house which should increase the value of your house. If you are going to invest time, energy, and a little bit of money, make sure it is right the first time.

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