5 Ways to Prevent Waste in your Home!

Ever wonder how you can get rid of the waste in your home?  Look no further, because here are just five simple tips that you can do to make your home waste free and environmentally friendly.  While this list is just five things, there are more things you can do! Look at the rest of your options on Zero Waste Tips.

1) Invest in Reusable Bags, Glass Jars, and Dish Rags

300817084_31ba59bf08_bFlickr Creative Commons: Axel Tregoning

Instead of using all of that plastic and paper, eliminate it with reusable bags, glass jars, and dish rags.  By using reusable bags, you no longer have to collect all of those grocery store plastic bags under your sink and hope to use them later.  Instead eliminate completely by bringing canvas bag to the store and put your groceries in them.  In addition, instead of using plastic sandwich bags, use jars and Tupperware (not plastic) to hold your food and lunch.

2) Buy Recycled Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, and Tissues

If you must use paper products, make sure that they are recycled!  By doing so you are eliminating a lot of waste and saving the environment for considerable destruction.

3) Use Natural Cleaning Supplies and Machine Washable Rags and Mops

Much like using reusable bags and glass Tupperware,  by using dish rags, machine washable mops, and natural cleaning supplies, you are eliminating the waste of many paper products (such as Swiffer).  In addition by using natural cleaning products you are eliminating your use of toxic chemicals, that pollute both your home and environment.

4)  Turn Older Clothing Into Something New or Donate it!

Instead of just letting your clothes sit in a draw,  reuse them or donate them!   To reuse them, you can cut them up in to new clothes that you love again, make a blanket, a rug, or even a reusable shopping bag.  Otherwise donate them and give them a new life with someone else.

5)  Collect Compost and RainwaterSkegg KitchenFlickr Creative Commons: Chalon Handmade

By collecting rainwater and compost, you are helping to eliminate waste in the environment.  By collecting rainwater you can eliminate water usage. Use the rainwater to water plants and gardens.  By collecting compost, you can use it as fertilizer and nutrients for plants and earth.  Instead of throwing it in the trash to sit in a landfill, bring it back to the environment, by fertilizing new life!