Tag Archives: packing

Five Pooch-Friendly Products for Winter

Winter is still here and it’s not going anywhere for a while. For some pet-owners a lot has to be done around the house once temperatures start dropping. These products mentioned below are important to have around the house to make both, your and your dog’s life much easier.

1. Freedom Pet Pass Door

This product is a huge upgrade from the old school doggie doors. During winter one of the worst things is wind, and because some doggie doors are made of thing material or not made for winter time, dog-owners are constantly having to let their dog in and out of the house. Who’s got the energy for that? That’s why these were invented. Magnetic strips on all sides and your dog will feel safe to come in and out as much as (s)he needs to without you having to worry about it at all.

2. Puppy Go Potty

If its something we’ve seen this year is that when it snows, it snows hard. Sometimes the weather may not allow for our pets, or even ourselves to do outside. In these situations, be assure that Puppy Go Potty Liter will help any situation that arises. It seals any odor, and is made out of organic material. Tell us if you currently have a product like this in the house and how it’s working out for you in the comment section below!

3. Soothe & Shield Paw Balm

Winter walks can be very harsh on a dog’s paws. The winter elements, such as ice, snow, and even the salt on the roads can be hurtful to their paws and sometimes even painful. This balm will protect your dog’s paws, and prevent any damage from the cold winter walks.

4. Dog Boots

Most of the people reading this who are dog owners are most likely dog owners themselves and already have more than a couple of dog boots at home. We know at least the Minnesotans do! But for all our dear readers out there who might have just recently adopted a dog, then go ahead and click here so you and your dog can enjoy walks in the snow with no problem. The product itself is self-explanatory, it will protect your dog’s paws from the cold and let him run around without being uncomfortable by the cold.

5. Spill-proof mats

To avoid your dog’s water bowl from getting too cold on the floor, it’s a good idea to have this spill-proof mats. Not only does it avoid a mess but it also allows your dog’s water to stay at room temperature. Not too shabby, right?


Photo by Josh / Flickr: Creative Commons

Well dear reader this is where we end our post. Hopefully this has given you some guidance as a dog-owner, as to what to do during the winter time. Let us in the comment section below if you have any of these products and how they’ve worked out for you! Or if you’re thinking of buying one as well!