Staging Your Home on a Budget

You probably hear about how it is important to stage our home all the time. It probably goes without saying that before listing a home it needs to be clean and clutter free, and it might be enough to sell your home, but many real estate agents believe that taking an extra step can make a huge difference. According to National Association of Realtors, 81% of agents said that staging your home helps buyers to visualize lit as their future home and 46% said that buyers want to see the property in person after they saw it online. Here are some budget staging tips that will make your house stand out and, possibly, sell faster.

Move furniture. Moving furniture will help not only make the living room look more spacious, but also won’t take away from the focal points such as fireplaces.

Carpet dents. If you move the furniture around, make sure to get rid of old furniture dents. An easy way to do it is to put an ice cube in the dent and let it melt. If you have extra money to spend, you might want to replace all the carpets.

Paint. Adding some fresh paint changes the whole house feel. Pick more neutral colors as it gives a more spacious and clean look, and also makes it less personal. You can use accent pillows, throw blankets or plants to add a pop of color.

Accent features. Use decor items to make it feel cozy, draw attention and that will also help to separate spaces. You can add coffee table trays with candles, table runners, and fresh flowers.

Replace light fixtures and cabinet hardware. It is not very expensive and it makes a big difference. Also, replacing bulb to more bright ones will make the house look more cozy and welcoming. Again, if you have extra time, you may paint or staging your kitchen cabinets.

Curb appeal. And last, but very important is to refresh your landscape by cleaning out old flowers and leaves, and planting new flowers.


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