Women Homebuyers

According to recent statistics, more women than men are buying homes. According to National Association of Realtors, female homebuyers account for 23% of first-time homebuyers and 16% of repeat buyers, while men account for 15% of first-time homebuyers and 8% of repeats. There were always divorced or widowed female buyers, but now we see more and more professional females who have successful careers and are making their own financial decisions. Also, many women view home ownership as a great financial investment.

So, what do women look for in a home? Of course, there are different groups of women with different needs. Some need more space and spacious backyards for their kids to play, others look for townhouses and quiet neighborhoods. There are some common things that women are looking for in a house, such as walk-in closets, separate laundry room, spacious kitchen, safe neighborhood, etc. Women, especially career oriented, prefer townhouses or condos that are low maintenance, as they do not have time for upkeep.

When working with women, it is important to include details that are important to them; they are very detail oriented and they want to understand the process and know all the facts before making a decision. For many women home buyers, relationship with a Realtor is very important, it is important to make sure to appeal to them as a wife or a partner, and as a mom; as buyers women think about their entire family.

What is your experience working with women home buyers or as a woman home buyer? Share with us!

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