Interesting Real Estate Stats

Here are some interesting stats about Real Estate Housing and Industry.

According to Statista, there were 124.7 million housing units in the US; The combined value of those homes was around $25 Trillion in 2013 and around 4,940,000 existing homes were sold.

Real estate agents and brokers: there are approximately 2.5M licensed agents in the US; according to economic census, there are 86,004 brokerage firms in the US. The typical age of an agent is 57, there are more females than males with college education.

According to, 92% of people search for homes online; also, 89% searched for a real estate agent, and 46% looked up “open house”. Typical home buyer takes about 3 months to buy and most look for agents earlier in the process. 31% of home shoppers are aged between 25-34 years old.

Most agents spend a lot on technology and advertising. It is estimated that both real estate brokers and agents spent close o 13.5$ billion on a variety of advertising, mostly online, only 25% spent it on print media. In addition, in the last 12 months, 27% of agents spent around $500-$2,000 on technology. Also 91% of agents use social media.


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