Pet-Care During Fall


Flickr Creative Commons: Michael Gil

Fall is probably the best time to get outside with your pups. There is no heat to deal with, the air is fresh and crisp and you can take longer walks and enjoy fall colors.  But there are some things to keep in mind, so here are some tips to keep your companion safe.

As we all know, fall is the mushroom season, and a lot of mushrooms can be toxic for dogs. It is difficult to tell which ones are toxic and which are not, so the best way to keep your dog safe is to avoid areas where mushrooms are growing.

Another danger is snakes. Fall is the season when snakes are getting ready for brumation (become less active) and they might become a little “grumpy”, so pet owners should know where and what kind of snakes can be found in their area.

Since it’s getting cooler outside, rodents are heading indoors and the use of rodenticide increases. It can be fatal for pets, so be cautious!

Fall is known to be an allergy season, ragweed and mold are the most common allergens, and yes, dogs get allergies too. So watch for sneezing and scratching.

And last but no least, some plants are toxic to dogs as well, so keep your pooch away from Poinsettia, Mistletoe, Amaryllis etc.

Keep your furry friends safe and healthy!